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After spending two decades immersed in the world as a record producer, rock musician, drug addict and New Ager, Eric Barger (pronounced Bar-jer) is now widely recognized in the area of Christian Apologetics Ministry. Eric’s Take A Stand! Ministries confronts both the culture and the Church, focusing on the Cults, World Religions, the Occult, Spiritual Warfare and most particularly the troubling unbiblical trends and doctrinal issues facing Christians in these end days.
He is the author of numerous books such as the best-seller From Rock to Rock, Entertaining Spirits Unaware: The End-Time Occult Invasion (with co-author David Benoit) and his 2002 release, Disarming the Powers of Darkness. Eric has written for USA Today and has been interviewed by hundreds of print and electronic media outlets, including Time Magazine and Fox News. His articles are syndicated on dozens of biblically-based prophetic and apologetics websites and blogs, including “NoStrongholds.com,” “The Christian Worldview Network,” “SaintsAlive.com” and “Olive Tree Ministries.”
He has been a featured guest on many Christian and secular programs, such as:
- Southwest Radio Ministries
- Christ in Prophecy with Dr. David Reagan
- Understanding the Times with Jan Markell
- Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse
- Truths That Transform with the late Dr. D. James Kennedy
- Point of View with the late Marlin Maddoux
- Unraveling the New World Order with Dr Larry Bates
- TCT Network's "Rejoice" Program
- Canada’s 100 Huntley Street
Since 1984, Eric Barger has traveled 200+ days a year across the US and Canada presenting his unique mix of teaching and evangelism through "Take A Stand!" Seminars in conferences, churches, and Christian schools. Presented in a uniquely personal, yet “no compromise” manner, Eric's multi-media messages, like his writing, are Biblically based, doctrinally sound and evangelistically focused. Whether through single church seminars or multi-church conferences, Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries continue to make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God.
To bring Eric Barger to your church or community or for more information please visit TAKE A STAND! Ministries web site at http://www.ericbarger.com/ or call 214-289-5244.
To bring Eric Barger to your church or community or for more information please visit TAKE A STAND! Ministries web site at http://www.ericbarger.com/ or call 214-289-5244.
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